The Need:

Swindon Borough Council reached out to Meon regarding the solutions we provide for cold applied line marking systems, as part of their strategy to reduce carbon emissions. To demonstrate our solutions, we arranged a trial application at Lydiard Park, a 260-acre country park with a constant flow of visitors attending events, conferences, the Lydiard house museum or for a walk around the park.

Swindon Council were keen to maintain this flow of visitors with the least possible disruption, a perfect scenario for the LineLazer ECO ES RoadLiner.


The ES RoadLiner was transported to site in a compact Box trailer which was parked out of the way of visitors for the duration of works. The cold spray plastic line markings were applied along both sides of one of the roadways into the park to provide delineation to prevent visitors parking along the side of the roadway.

These markings were applied using the ES RoadLiner at a maximum noise level of 82dB, quieter than a human’s voice, providing minimal disruption to visitors and nearby wildlife. The roadway was a total of 450 metres with varying gradients, which the ES RoadLiner was able to apply perfectly consistent markings on with the LineDriver ES set on a consistent speed setting.


The ES RoadLiner applied a single white line on either side of the main road using Spectrum UltraStripe L224 with reflective beads. It left a clean, sharp, professional looking line, with a traffic time of 20 minutes it did not disturb any visitors or business in the area.

Meon also applied UltraLine L210 at two of the entrances.


Specifying A Project…

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